Dirt Works

An impactful renovation

  • Situated in the “Mud Hut” behind the Architecture and Design schools at the University of Kansas, the existing structure is built of local masonry. In need of a new space for a maker studio, Dirt Works was tasked with renovating an existing classroom and entry with the use of rammed earth.

    Upon entry into the space a large rammed earth wall is straddled by glass entries into the maker studio, while a recycled wood wall resonates from the rammed earth’s impact in either direction. The rammed earth wall features an industry first magnetic bands used for critiques and drawings. The magnetic earth bands were constructed using brake pad shavings from local auto repair shops mixed into the subsoil mixture.

    Location: Lawrence, Kansas

    Size: 1,200 sf

    Medium: Architecture

    Role: Construction Manager/Designer

    Completed as part of Dirt Works Studio at the University of Kansas


Focus Projects


District Courthouse